Student Social Work

The Social Work study is aimed at guiding clients with problems in the field of family, work or school, etc.

You will learn how to give advice and information to these people and how to set up an assistance program. After graduation, you can start working in youth care, care for the disabled, psychiatry, judicial assistance, the government or health care. You can also opt for a master's degree.

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Study Social Work 

You are being trained for a helping profession. Not sure yet in which direction you want to go? Then it is wise to first orientate yourself broadly by taking the Social Work study. Social Work is a combination of different courses: Cultural and Social Education, Social Work and Services and Social Pedagogical Assistance.

After this study

You have finished your studies, but what does the next step look like for you?

Are you going to work or continue studying? Below you will find information that can help you with that.

Labor market information

What can you become with a Social Work study?

As a social worker you will end up in care and service sectors, where you will help children, young people, adults, the elderly or disabled. You can fulfill different types of jobs, for example: ambulant family counselor, welfare worker, game leader, educator, occupational therapist, activity counselor or residential counselor. In terms of work, your tasks are in the field of advice, guidance, policy or direct contact. Or a combination thereof.

Where can you find this study?

Which subjects do you take during your Social Work study?

Whether you are interested in youth care, complex and long-term care, meaning-oriented work, connecting district nursing or whatever, as a first-year student you get broad social subjects. So you come across different program components and sometimes you follow them with students from other social studies. In the first year, you will become acquainted with the various professions and ways of working in the various fields. You also develop your own vision. At the end of the first year you make a definitive choice for a major. To deepen, or broaden, you also choose a minor, for example youth, coaching, psychiatry or even management.

In the third year of the Social Work study, you will do an internship at an institution of your choice. In the fourth year you will work on a graduation assignment.

What are the characteristics of a social worker?

Do you have empathy, are you empathetic, are you stress resistant, flexible, helpful, social and can you work in a systematic way? Then consider the broad study Social Work.

Social master

The complex care system requires good care providers. With a Master in Social work you can take a step higher. 

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